Protests against the brutal killing of four Dalits in Khairlanji village in Maharashtra are now spreading to other parts of the state. On Wednesday, 15 Nov 2006, members of the Republican Party took out processions in Solapur, throwing stones at buses. All shops in the town are shut and there is a heavy police presence in the area.
One person was injured in police firing during protests in another district Amravati on Tuesday the 14th Nov. Schools and colleges are shut there for the day as a precautionary measure.
Such violence at a large scale??? Why??
FOUR members of a dalit family – a woman, her daughter and two sons – were brutally lynched after the women were savagely raped and the two young men mutilated. This barbarous incident took place at Khairlanji village in Bhandara district in Maharashtra on September 29. The Bhotmange family was one of the two dalit families in the village. They lived by cultivating a plot of land that they owned in the village. Surekha Bhotmange was resisting the demand of the dominant castes in the village for a portion of the land for a pathway. It is as a result of this defiance that a series of incidents took place which led to the horrific attack by a mob on the family.
This happened in Vidarbha. It is bad I know that 4 members of family were killed. A family was destroyed.
CPI and other Dalit parties are now showing their presence and anger through uncivilised barbaric measures!! This so called parties for India, where were these idiots sleeping when poor farmers in Vidarbha were commiting sucide?

(somebody from RPI/CPI give this family of Sandesh Bhikaji Shirsat, specially the baby poison)
In the Vidarbha region, the cotton belt of Maharashtra , over thousand cotton farmers have committed suicide between 2001 and 2006. Of the 3.4 million cotton farmers in this region, 95% are believed to be struggling with heavy debt, according to Jan Aandolan Samiti.
Who are these farmers. Why are these idiots not coming to street, burning buses, stoning properties, closing schools, shops for those 1000 who are dying a horrible death. It is worse than lynching. Imagine a man about to commit sucide thinking about his children, wife and responsibilities. Imagine his plight! Imagine his pain! Imagine him dying each and every minute till he commit sucide. Imagine him taking poision and trying to rollback his decision in final momenths. Aren't these farmers human?? Why no protest for them?? Why no hue and cry for them?? Are these farmers brahmin, Dalits, Kshatriyas, Baniyas.... What are they?
(what would happen to these family, by the way those who know how to count, are they greater than 4?, are these brahmins/dalits/kshatriyas/vaishyas?)
They are human, and in the current vote bank politics humanity is what has taken a back seat.It is time for Indians to march against these zealots and pay them in their own coin, teach them lesson in their own tongue and show them death is same, whether it comes to a Dalit or to a Brahmin.

(some one please run to streets, throw stones, force the government so that another daughter does not loose a father, please!!)
News media are highlighting their plights, raising questions about attrocities and others. Answers to them would be followed in future blogs, but all our media is doing is sensationalising the act, and marketing the news. Why don't these agencies ask those idiots out there on their methodology. Someone need to question them, so they would have a pinch of shame and stop doing what they are doing.
In few words... THE KILLINGS OF DALIT HAVE BEEN POLITICIZED. 1000 women are raped in India every day, but a Dalit woman rape would sure be a good fodder for the news agency. Why? Dalits in India are not so well educated. They do not know the ground realities and such stories instill fear in them and they vote in mass to some stupid political parties which are continuing the British dharma of Divide and Rule. These Dalits won't ever progress, won't ever, because if they, what will happen of such Political parties
good blog Amit!! But resist the use of foul language in your blog. It might suggest that you are a radical. Other wise your views are presented in a logical manner
Great Start Amit. Do incorporate Rahul's points on your blog too. I second him.
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