Monday, December 08, 2008

The death of Indian Culture and Indian glory

There was article written in Outlook magazine, which explains the so call secular drama of Indian journalism. Secularism in India is not unbiased but raping of majority. So call minority appeasement has led to secluding Indians from their great culture.

Yesterday I was going through the Big Bang theory which explains the creation of universe, and found that ancient Indians knew something about it. For a common man with minimal intelligence it is very difficult to explain about Big Bang, and so also of the Indian philosophy.

For the layman, Big Bang says that the Universe started with a Bang, still expanding and matter and anti matter were behind the creation. For a complete article for the curious please visit the site

I would present what was written in Rigvedas and let you take a decision for yourself -
The Hiranyagarbha Sukta announces: Hiranyagarbhah samavartatagre bhutasya jatah patireka asit, which means, Before creation existed the golden womb Hiranyagarbha, Lord of everything born. (Rig Veda 10.121.1)

Ancient texts says - Aum is the beejmantra. It is a mystical symbol. What is the sound when there is a blast? Was Aum the sound that occurred in the blast, and hence these sound is the begining?

The world was created by cosmic dance of Shiva and Shakti. Shiva is associated with bhoots, ghosts, goblins, cremeation ground, aghoris. Does not all these represents dark energy? This is what happens when a layman interprets the text, and who does not understand the concept of dark energy (Dark energy is covered in the link of Big Bang). Is Shakti the matter? Is this cosmic dance for real?

Obiviously layman would find simple answers however logically stupid acceptable rather than be confused or without complete answers. The requirement of layman are simple - what happens after death? He needs simple answers and is satisfied with a unverified facts.

Hence he is going away from Indian adhyatam, astrology, yoga because they are intellectually simulating and not so simple. Who has time for intellectual discussions, every one wants a quick fix solution. So be it. Period.

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