Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Great Indian Political Tamasha

I have just switched off the TV. I don't see any party with any specific plans for India. It is just promises. We would give rice at 2 a KG or 4 a KG. We would give you jobs, we would do, we would do this, we would do that.

After the promises are done, here comes the mud slinging. The party is old, they are fundamentalist, what happened in Kandhahar, what happened in 1984, 1992, 2002 and hell. It reminds me of a Hindi saying "Gade murde ukhadna".

Come on you politicians, we need concrete plans. How would be answer the global warming. How would you better the lifestyle. We do not mind paying 200 Rs a kilos sir, but give us job security and progress plan. We would like to be self dependent and not dependent. You are not god send gift who would subsidize things for us aam aadmi.

Frankly speaking, AAM AADMI is a big joke. To me an aam aadmi is nothing but a
  • a person who is an asshole
  • who leaves on subsidies of their political masters
  • who has no aspirations
  • who has resigned to life
  • who just gets up early in morning, slogs the entire day and goes to bed to get up another morning
  • who was born in India, and would die in India.
  • who would just gasp at the lifestyle of rich people
  • who is just worried about the morsel of food that would be sufficient enough to fill his plate.
I would be adding more to this list. Just thinking of it makes my stomach churn. Come on I need a lifestyle, I want to visit foreign lands, I want to live.

I have the potential, I am hard working, I want to be honest..... and most of the Indians are. Give us a proper concrete plans.

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